Garden Design
Theory Behind Garden Design
Design is a very personal matter. Working together with our clients Louise can produce imaginative and creative gardens to suit their individual lifestyles whether low maintenance, families with young children, cottage gardens or retirement gardens with a glass of wine.
The Design Process
Initial Design Consultation
An informal discussion between client and designer at the proposed site. A chance to view the garden anddiscuss ideas.
Client Brief
A more formal meeting to discuss your preferences and what you expect from your garden. We will discuss your likes and dislikes, your particular styles and tastes e.g. formal, informal, contemporary, features, structures etc. We will also discuss your plant preferences, colour schemes, formal or informal planting, level of maintenance required. This will form the basis of the project plan and design.
The Survey
Upon agreement of the quotation a detailed survey will be carried out. The survey will include the whole area to be designed.
The building or buildings.
DPC (damp proof course), windows, doors, lights, taps, flues, steps etc.
Any existing features – trees, large shrubs, borders, ponds, terraces, boundaries, walls etc.
Inspection chambers, rain water pipes, locations of services where possible, overhead cables etc.
Relevant levels all around the garden and features, including a datum point, usually DPC. Invert levels of inspection chambers will be recorded where required, such as for the construction of swimming pools.

The Outline Plan
Once the brief and survey are complete a function plan is drawn up. At this stage it is a scale drawing of the proposed design (in pencil) and not highly detailed for the client to look at and discuss with the designer making any necessary changes.
The Design
Once the outline plan has been agreed the formal design is produced. This drawing is to scale and will include the list of materials used and any relevant construction drawings for the landscaper to work from be it ourselves or a 3rd party. You will also receive an overlay planting plan detailing proposed plants using Latin names, positions and quantities, pot sizes and tree sizes – standard, half standard etc.
From the client brief we can then provide a quotation based on the features required.